It's that time of year again. The time when you start seeing oranges, reds, and browns all around and every table will have a centerpiece filled with various squash(es? i? whatev).
I may be a rarity, but I am totally the girl that gets jazzed about produce. So this fall, in accordance with my 31 days absolute clean eating, I want to try every type of squash I lay my veggie obsessed eyes on. All of em. I ain't no prejudice.
I vvant le:
Butternut squash
Spaghetti squash
Acorn squash
Sweet dumpling squash
Gold acorn squash
The little UFO looking sqash
The squash that looks a lil risque
...And last but certainly not least, THE HUBBARD SQUASH!!!

Available in green, gray, and blue. Yes blue. All Hubbards know how to rock it.
Hey, I'm a squash girl, too. I think we have spaghetti, acorn, and winter in our garden. We'll start harvesting soon.